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Top 10 most sexually satisfied nations

There’s a lot about a country that puts it on the world map. The Japanese are known for their technology, Germans for their precision, and Italy seems to be on more than one map, be it food, architecture or fashion.

Apparently, that’s not it all. There’s something beyond these obvious reasons why a country’s name should be making waves, and there are a whole lot of indicators, studies and public surveys that determine the quality of life in a country. In fact, the tiny country of Bhutan even has a happiness index.

It should come as little surprise then, that there have also been attempts to rank countries across the world in terms of how sexually satisfied their citizens are...

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How Lovehoney Brought Sex Toys from under the Counter and Turned Them into a Multi-Million Dollar Business

When Neal Slateford and Richard Longhurst started Lovehoney in 2002, the state of the market for sex toys and pleasure aids was terrible. Buying a sex toy was an often terrifying experience for even men, let alone women. After all, who would want to show their girlfriend a tacky, extremely graphic, male-centric website that was full of crass language and terrible aesthetics? No wonder then, that although the sex toy industry was up and running, it had an infamous reputation and buying a sex toy off one of these was often thought to be seedy.

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6 signs your partner is cheating

Living in an age of instant communication and GPS, cheating partners have to scramble to cover up a long and winding trail that they could leave behind them. Infidelity is simultaneously easier to carry on, as well as discover about, with the advent of social media.

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